Top Six Actions to get Law of Attraction working for you:

Top Six Actions to get Law of Attraction working for you:

These are the top six actions you need to start to get the Law of Attraction to work for you. I’ve taken them from my Law of Attraction 101 workshop and monthly group. They are simple but effective. If one element is missed out, then the flow and momentum can be squashed – and if its an action then it simply won’t happen.

  1. Ask/ Affirm – spend some time thinking about what you desire. What you want to attract. Have a deep think, get some detail in there, use your senses.
  2. Believe – Believe that you deserve this desire, you are worthy to receive
  3. Feel – By adding in feelings you really make your desire come alive. Using emotions is really powerful when mixed with thought.
  4. Action – The law of attraction is unlikely to work without you making some actions towards it – for example if you want a new house then viewing  properties, getting your house valued, working out  your budget are all positive actions that you can make. They also feed into the above steps of deeper thoughts, feelings and believing, imagining its real.
  5. Receive – you must be ready to accept when the Law of Attraction comes your way. No point in doing the Law of Attraction work to fail at the accepting part. Get your limiting beliefs cleared – you are worthy to receive your desires!
  6. Gratitude – When the Law of Attraction works for you – whether big or small, show and be grateful for all the steps of success for your dreams. Show gratitude for all you have in the meantime – perhaps through a daily gratitude diary.

There are some key steps that people miss out and then wonder why the Law of Attraction isn’t working for them. You must take some actions towards it, be able to receive and accept the gift and show gratitude.

Following these six simple steps will help you get the Law of Attraction to work for you too



Want to find out more then this month we’re looking at the Law of Attraction in the Women’s Circle – just £10 a month – find out more here –


Monthly Women’s Circle – for Spiritual Connection

Birthday Offer -Find out what your personal year and life path is – plus angelcard reading

I love finding out whats going on energywise for me through numerology – my lifepath number (a bit like your star sign) and which personal year I am in (from 1-9). Plus angel cards too!
So I’ve come up with a Clarity Birthday Bonanza Offer. all for just £20 – Angel message on your question/them PLUS a numerology reading
Available from now until 14th September
This video explains more about numerology and what you can learn from understanding your life path & personal year number 
Book here –

Why Journal and How?

Journalling has become quite mainstream beyond the holistic field. It is spoken about in mindfulness exercises, law of attraction and there are also health benefits.

Clearing and releasing emotions, improving sleep patterns, giving clarity, reducing stress, problem solving,  feel more relaxed, improve communication and also physical benefits to regular writing habits.

It  doesn’t have to be a diary or what you did or how you felt (think Bridget Jones, Adrian Mole). Its not for prosperity it is for creating positive space in this moment that we are in right now. Nowadays it  is more of a positive release of emotions, desires and  expression.

Make your journal what you want it to be – there are no rules, just suggestions!

Firstly what is Journalling?

Journalling is simply writing. It usually writing in a specific book dedicated to your thoughts and scribing. You can of course use any writing materials you like, but having a lovely notebook or a specific book will help develop the habit and added pleasure (I love stationery!).

Two of the key elements are:

  • Regular, daily writing. Doing some journalling everyday will help create a habit and allow you space to process. Doing this everyday can be therapeutic to the mind. See the “ideas” section for some ways to use your journal
  • Have an uninterupted flow of writing. Ideally you want to write for 20 minutes, allowing your pen to simply write – don’t correct punctuation or spelling or analyse the writing. The key is to simply allow the writing and thoughts to flow onto your journal. No judgement or analysing of what is coming out. There are no rules to journalling, just allow yourself the freedom of space and the ink to flow.

When we write we use the left side of our brain (analytical and rational), this allow the right hand side of the brain to be creative, emotional and use intuition. So writing can clear blocks being held in the left hand side of the brain, allowing the creative freedom and flow that the right hand side of the brain brings to flow.

So if you have a lovely notebook and an interest in writing and journalling, let me share some of the benefits:

Benefits of Journalling

  • Build your inner connection – regular writing can allow you to gain clarity on your thoughts, desires and dreams. It allows you to capture a moment in time. So whether you are going through some deep emotions, or having a great day  or wanting to share your gratitude for the day or affirmations you are using and how they make you feel  – writing in your the journal will help you open up gain space to explore your deepest thoughts and ideas.
  • Gain clarity – we often have a miriad of thoughts swooshing through our brains. It can give us a sense of overwhelm or exhaustion. A regular writing practise can allow a “brain dump”. Write down all your thoughts and emotions that are taking up brain space but don’t analyse them when you write. Allow the flow to happen. After you’ve finished writing you can review, but don’t alter as this was your original conscious flow.
  • Express yourself in a safe space – in a world where social media and “wonderful lives” are over shared (although much is fake!), we can feel unworthy or have emotions from anxiety to depression.  Journalling can be a safe space for you to outlet your thoughts and emotions, where you won’t be judged. Often once you’ve written them down, reviewed it can bring perspective and also allow a release to happen. Find a space where your journal can live safely, so you know the content stays confidential. Mine is actually on a bookcase amongst other business notebooks ?
  • Emotional Intelligence & Releasing Emotions – Although I’ve mentioned this a little above, I feel it deserves it’s own bullet point. Writing about our emotions can help reduce the impact they have on us on a physical level. Letting it out of the mind can be very therapeutic. The intensity of the emotion can be reduced, allowing calmer sensations and thought processing to occur. Also by acknowledging our emotions this helps us grow our emotional intelligence.
  • Reworking Situations – Writing about arguments or disagreements can again help to release the impact they are having on your mind, body and emotions. Allow yourself to write to the past you (who was doing the best they could in the circumstances), to the future you, another person. You don’t have to do this in your lovely journal. Writing on A4 paper and then binning it can be just as therapeutic and you are then releasing the energy around it too.
  • Stress Relief – Scientific research has found that regular writing practice can reduce stress levels.
  • Immune Boosting – It can strengthen immune system as well by stimulating T-lymphocytes
  • Problem Solving – by writing using the left hand side of the brain, the right hand side  can work creatively on issues or problems
  • Mindfulness – When you are writing it is an activity you have to be fully engaged in! You can’t do the washing up and write at the same time. It also allows us to focus on how we are feeling at that moment, ideas flowing through our minds. Capturing  things to be grateful for or glad about that happened that day. Focusing your thoughts on the current moment of writing
  • Achieving Goals – When we write our goals down, a part of our brain the RAS (reticular activating system) is activated and identifies it as “important”. Then on an subconscious level when opportunities come along that can support your goals, you will consciously be aware of them. Think of the writing as forming your blueprint for your desires!
  • Healing – Releasing emotions, mental thoughts, swirling thoughts and past events can help reduce their ferocity of impact on your daily life. Allowing you to release and stop the tangle of emotions that whirl around our heads.


Ideas for Journalling

Don’t like writing then there are alternatives lists, doodling and mindmaps can all give you results too!

  • Capture your emotions of the day
  • Write about key events from the day
  • 3 things your grateful for or glad about
  • Your daily affirmations
  • Angel card readings (daily, weekly, monthly or a 12 month)
  • “Stream of consciousness” is how the morning pages outlined by Julia Cameron works – each morning start by writing everything going on in your mind, allowing yourself to clear your mind at the start f the day
  • Share your desires and goals


Want to know more about journalling – or actually making a mark in the notebook – this £15 minicourse will get you journalling!

Ready to buy – click here

Also check out this blog:

Do you have a Beautiful Notebook and think about Journalling…. but never using it?!

Do you have a beautiful notebook and thinking about journalling, but never use it?…..Then this mini-course is for you!

Do you have a beautiful notebook and thoughts of journalling but never do it?
Book too beautiful, not sure where to start or what if you have to cross something out?
This mini-course is for you! I too was that person with a multitude of notebooks and wanting to journal…. but never starting!
This mini-course is a series of 15 videos (plus bonus of “what does your name mean” and numerology PDFs) to get you writing in your journal.
From making your first marks to positive language to emotions to channelled writing from your angelic guides this mini-course talks you through all your journalling options – making it fun and not a daily chore!
Journalling is a wonderful way to lift your vibration and write about your spiritual development journey.

Do you want to be Calm? Cleared? Rejuvenated? Connected? Reiki is for you!

I first came upon Reiki over 16 years ago when my maternal and husband’s grandmother both passed in the space of a few days.  My mother suggested Reiki could help and it was one of the many greatest gifts she gave me.

It gave me a way to release, to clear, to refill my cup and to connect. Connection both to the true me and also to them.

It was the start of my spiritual and holistic journey.

What can Reiki Support?

I have shared Reiki with women who have used it on themselves to overcome debilitating anxiety, endless panic attacks, to clear energies to aid sleep, to clear/release earlier trauma and more.

I personally use it to bring calm to me and my family, to help sleep, to support children’s ailments and to relieve stress and depression.

I’ve yet to find a symptom that doesn’t feel support from Reiki! If in doubt – try some Reiki!

What is Reiki?

Reiki means universal light energy. It is the flow of energy from the universe to the receiver.

Reiki energy flows through the practitioner, who has been attuned to channel the universal energy. It does not come from them – they are not the “healer”, but the conduit. Think of the practitioner as being the cable – “source or universal energy” is the power coming through the cable to the make the light (the receiver) bright and glow.

What happens in a Reiki Session?

Normally you will lie on a therapy couch, fully clothed, head on a pillow and covered by a blanket. You need do nothing but be open to the experience and allow all to happen for your highest good. Know that you are in safe hands with the practitioner (you would not have drawn yourself to them if they were not right for you).

You will be asked to lie on your back and close your eyes. A calming visualisation is a perfect way to start the session. Hands are placed over the eyes to help you relax and slow down your physical senses, allowing the quieter inner voice or intuition to be heard.

The Reiki practitioner usually places their hands in the key chakra positions on the front and the back of the body, including the feet. Alternatively they will place their hands where drawn on the body.

Reiki will travel wherever it is needed, regardless of where the hands are placed. If your left toe needs it and hands are on your eyes, it will travel to the toes! Additional work may be carried out by Reiki guides or your Angelic Tribe. A session will usually last just 45-50 minutes and sleep is not unusual during the session!

With Reiki you can trust that all that happens is perfect for you. Stored emotions, physical ailments, spiritual connections or stories will only be released at a time when you are ready to cope and accept their release. So  you can be assured that nothing will come up that you are not fully able to cope with.

A good Reiki practitioner will be able to share tools that you can use to support your own healing journey – but it is you who are the healer and not the practitioner!

Ready for your Journey?

Experiencing Reiki from a qualified and experienced Reiki Master-Teacher can be a wonderous thing.

Giving you space to process, release, clear and refill your energy on all levels.

I have been a practicing Reiki Master-Teacher for nearly 15 years, and often combine other holistic therapies into the session if they are right for the client (aromatherapy, meditation..) and offer advice and tools for after care.

You can book your session for £45 using this link. Please note spaces are limited and will not be available from 20th July – 4th September.

You can book a distance healing session (so don’t have to be in Newport!). This is also available in the holidays. We will set a time when I connect to your energy for the session and work remotely – very effective!

Want to learn More?

I advise many of my clients to actually become attuned to Reiki themselves. This is very empowering as you then have a tool that you can use for yourself, as any time and means you are not reliant on another person (although advice and support is always available from me!).

I offer Reiki 1 at a price of £99 for this reason – the cost of just over 2 sessions. Making it highly affordable and one of the most practical tools for you and your family to possess.

With Reiki 1 you will be able to support yourself, your family and close friends. Plus pets, plants, energise food and more!

I run Reiki training mornings each month. Next dates are:

Monday 16th July

Thursday 6th September

Both are in Newport, Shropshire and run from 10am – 1pm. You also have access to videos and meditations to support your journey and access to ask any questions directly to me.

Not local? I offer an online version and will do an attunement through zoom (everything is energy so location doesn’t matter!) – Contact me to discuss!

To book simply pay £99 here and advise which date works best for you: